Examination Guideline

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Evaluation Process
Evaluation of performance of Distance learners is very important and sensitive matter because they are far away from the teachers and get very little opportunity to interact with them face to face. The School of Distance Education will follow two-tier system of evaluation to assess the performance of its students as mentioned below:
(1)Continuous Evaluation (30% Component):
Continuous evaluation will be based on assignments submitted by the learners. The assignments will be prepared on printed course material supplied to them. No extra reading material will be required for solving the assignments. The assignments may comprise a variety of questions such as essay type, short answer type,objective, problem solving exercises etc. The weightage assigned to this component is 30%.
(2)Term End Examinations (70% Component):
Term End Examinations will be held twice a year at designated centres and carry 70% weightage. There would be no negative marking.The learners will be allowed to appear at these examinations if they fulfill the following criterion:
a. They are enrolled in the University and registered in the program.
b. Submitted required number of assignments on time.
c. Submitted duly filled Examinations form together with prescribed fee on or before the due dates. 
(3)Assessment of practical courses:
Some programs may have practical components also. Practicals will be held at the designated institutions for which schedule will be provided by the School / Study centres. Attendance at practicals will be compulsory.Assessment in practical will be based on the performance during practical sessions (60% component) and examination conducted by external examiner on the last day of practical session (40% component).
(4)Projects & Viva – Voce:
The final semester of each program is devoted to project work report / dissertation. The following will be the procedure to be followed for this:- 
a. The learners will prepare project proposal under the guidance of qualified guide in accordance with guidelines provided by the School / Study Centre and submit bio data of guide together with project proposal upto specified date to the Director of School.
b. The project proposal will be scrutinized by the concerned Program Coordinator, the same will be approved or some guidelines will be issued for improvement within 30 days of submission. 
c. After three months of approval of project proposal the student can submit project report in bound form to the Director of School.
d. Viva – voce will be conducted in July / January by Board of Examiners consisting of external examiner and project guide acting as internal examiner.
Grading Process
The academic performance of a student shall be graded on a ten point scale. The letter Grades awarded to a student in all the courses shall be converted into a semester and cumulative performance index called the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) respectively.
(1) General Guidelines for Award of Grades:
(a) The marks of both the components of a course shall be added to get total marks out of 100. The rounding off shall be done on the higher side.
(b) For less than 30 students in a course, the grades shall be awarded on the basis of cut off in the absolute marks, as in Table – 1.
(c) For 30 or more than 30 students in a course statistical method shall be used for the award of grades. The salient features of the statistical method are given in Table – 2.
(d) A student failing in a course will be awarded any of the following four grades depending on his/her performance:
(i) Grade E1, if a student is failing only in Continuous Evaluation.
(ii) Grade E2, if a student is failing only in End Semester Examination.
(iii) Grade E, if a student fails to secure overall minimum passing marks but has secured minimum passing marks in both the individual components.
(iv) Grade F, if a student is failing in both the components.
(e) Minimum passing marks / grade in individual component / overall in each course shall be as follows:
(i) For any UG Course / Paper
(a) Individual Component - 30%
(b) Overall Grade – D
(ii) For any PG course / Paper
(a) Individual Component - 40%
(b) Overall Grade – C
Table 1 – Award of Grades based on absolute marks
(For less than 30 students)
Lower range of marks Grade Upper range of marks
91 ≤A+ < 100
82 ≤A < 91
73 ≤B+ < 82
64 ≤B < 73
55 ≤C+ < 64
46* ≤C < 55
37 ≤D < 46
Table – 2 Award of Grades using statistical method
(For 30 or more than 30 students)
Lower range of marks Grade Upper range of marks
X+1.5σ ≤A+
X+1.0σ ≤A < X+1.5σ
X+0.5σ ≤B+ < X+1.0σ
X ≤B < X+0.5σ
X-0.5σ ≤C+ < X
X-1.0σ ≤C < X-0.5σ
X-1.5σ ≤D < X-1.0σ
Where X denotes average marks & σ denotes standard deviation.
(2)Grade Moderation:
The grades awarded whether based on absolute marks or by statistical method shall be moderated to satisfy the following norms of the University:
(A) A+ (A Plus) grade shall not be awarded for percentage of marks less than 80 in any case. A+ grade shall not be awarded to more than 10% of the total no. of students.
(B) For UG except Pharmacy students ‘D’ grade (minimum passing grade) shall not be awarded for percentage of marks less than 35 in any case. Further, no student having 40% or more marks shall be awarded failing grade E or F.
(a) For PG except Pharmacy students ‘C’ grade (minimum passing grade) shall not be awarded for percentage of marks less than 45 in any case. Further, no student having 50% or more marks shall be awarded failing grade E or F.
(b) For all Pharmacy (UG as well as PG) students ‘C’ grade (minimum passing grade) shall not be awarded for percentage of marks less than 50 in any case. Further, no student having 55% or more marks shall be awarded failing grade E or F.
(c) The overall distribution of number of different grades should be according to the normal statistical distribution to the extent possible i.e.
(i) maximum number of students should obtain grade C+, B or B+.
(ii) the number of students getting higher grades A or A+ and lower grades C or D should be in the descending order on both sides.
(d) If statistical method is adopted and it is giving absurd results i.e. the value of (X+1. 5σ) is more than 100 or the value of (X – 1. 5σ) is negative, then these values may be adjusted so as to satisfy above conditions 1 to 5.
(3) Structure of Grading of Academic Performance
The structure of grading of academic performance together with the concerned grade points are given in Table – 3.
Table 3 – Structure of grading of academic performance
S.N. Academic Performance Grades Grades points
1 Outstanding A+ 10
2 Excellent A 9
3 Very good B+ 8
4 Good B 7
5 Average – satisfactory C+ 6
6 Below average C 5
7 Marginal D 4
8 Poor E, E1 & E2 -
9 Very poor F -
(4)Calculation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA)
The result of each student for each semester shall be worked out and provided in terms of Grades for each course, the semester grade point average of a student shall be calculated on the basis of the number of credits (Ci) earned in any course and grade points (Pi) earned in that course (based on overall grade obtained in a course) by the following formula:
(5)Calculation of Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Cumulative grade point average of a student for any number of semesters shall be obtained by the following formula:
where Ci is the total no. of credits earned in any semester (ith) and Si is the SGPA obtained in that semester (ith)
Students who have completed their graduation recently and applying for MBA should check their Batch while enrollment, they should ensure that their Master Degree exam cycle would happen after 6 months from date of graduation exam as mentioned on their mark sheet. Similar is case for UG programs.

Mark Sheet - FAQ

The students who have successfully completed all their semester based internal assessments and term end exams successfully would get a consolidated mark sheet hard copy at end of the course. The online results declared should be saved by the students for their reference.

I have passed in Internal Assessments however, in my result / mark sheet I failed in Internal assessments (assignments)

Students should submit the assignments successfully before appearing for the Term End Exams. The mark sheets are printed on basis of term end exam for which on a particular date the assignment scores are downloaded for Mark Sheet Printing. There are chances that the student has appeared for assignments after the assignment scores were downloaded for mark sheet printing purpose (after last date of assignment published date) For such cases, the students would get the corrected scores at time of next exam cycle printing process. Note - University follows the exam cycles (twice a year) for the purpose of mark sheet printing, any updates in printed format would be done in subsequent exam cycle.

The Mark Sheet has some error in name

The name to be mentioned on SGVU mark sheet has to be as per students' 10th Std Mark Sheet (Unless a name change document is accompanied during admission process). However, if the name error exist, the student should return the original hard copy of mark sheet back to the below mentioned address. Students should accompany an application mentioning the necessary corrections in the mark sheet with their complete details.

Distance Education Department,
Suresh Gyan Vihar University,
Main Central Library Building,
Mahal, Jagatpura, Jaipur,
Rajasthan – 302017.
Mobile : 9782516489

What is the process for Provisional and Degree Certification

After the students have successfully passed all the exams of the program, the student should apply and fill the requisition form with applicable certification / convocation fees. The student should submit the form along with photocopies of all SGVU received mark sheets or online SGVU results declared / issued in the past and the fees receipt for the application. The degree application form is available on university website under tab for general guidelines (bottom of page)

BBA - Project Guidelines

Click here for  View/Download BBA - Project Guidelines

BCA - Project Guidelines

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MCA - Project Guidelines

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MBA - Project Guidelines

Click here for  View/Download MBA - Project Guidelines

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